Microblading is a semi-permanent beautification technique typically used to enhance the perceived thickness of eyebrows. During the procedure, providers create superficial cuts near the skin’s surface and fill them with pigment, creating the illusion of fuller hair.
The Treatment
For practitioners, microblading is incredibly affordable—all it takes is a $5 disposable device. Furthermore, a practice can usually carry out these treatments without the assistance of a physician or other healthcare provider, which lowers the practical costs of the procedure. However, medical spas are realizing very high-profit margins when these procedures are performed because microblading services typically cost up to $500.
Because microblading is semi-permanent, patients find it more acceptable than tattooing, which has historically been used to add body to eyebrows but is a lifetime commitment. Moreover, compared to tattooing, microblading often has a more natural appearance.
Rise in Microblading
Unfortunately, the rapid growth of microblading has created some issues surrounding the procedure and its practitioners. Many practices are noting a shift in microblading; it’s becoming more of a commodity—less about the artwork and more about the price.
As the demand for the procedure has skyrocketed, so has the demand for trained practitioners. Since there are relatively few qualified trainers available to meet that demand, the void is being filled by some potentially bad actors. Anyone can call themselves a trainer because there are so many places that offer training these days, and there is no requirement to be a trainer in any capacity. Many of these training institutes are opening up practically overnight. There is a lack of medically based training, and people are being trained by a variety of organizations that are either not very good or not offering the kind of training necessary for them to be able to perform this procedure.
Given the similarities between tattooing and microblading, most states that have ruled on the legality of these procedures have stated that a tattooing or body art license is required. In order to perform microblading treatments in a medical aesthetic practice, your aestheticians or unlicensed practitioners must obtain these licenses if they do not already have them (depending on the state). Although getting a tattooing license might seem complicated, it’s not as hard as you might think.
Consult a local health care attorney to learn how microblading is regulated in your state. They can also tell you what is required to get a tattooing license where you live, whether you or your employees need one, and may be able to recommend reputable trainers.
An Evolving Art Form
The practice of microblading is not going away anytime soon. Though it is likely to go through legal challenges and take on new forms (“combo brows,” for instance, are becoming more and more popular and combine tattooing with semi-permanent microblading), responsible medical spa owners should think about offering this kind of treatment.