Now Covering IV Therapy


As a cosmetology or esthetic school, you know that ‘lack of insurance’ can inhibit potential students from training to become an Esthetician. By bundling your training with professional and general liability insurance, you can increase students - and sales - by ensuring they are properly covered and well protected. Our insurance for schools covers the school, instructors, students, and models.

School affiliate

How Does It Work?

Our generous affiliate program offers a discount to the newly insured and pays you income for referring clients to ABE. Commissions are based on the ABE Membership Level that the insured selects:

ABE Membership

Insured Discount

Your Affiliate Income










How Do I Become an Affiliate Partner?

Simply fill out the online application below and you’ll receive an Affiliate Code. The Affiliate Code must be entered on the insured’s insurance application and the policy approved by ABE to receive Affiliate Income. Affiliate Income does not apply to renewals.

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